Sunday, September 27, 2015

Ceremony for new Police Station

The government built a new police station in Prey Veng Province and LDSC was asked to contribute.
Of course they build a new police station without water, latrine and wash station.  We are working on clean water and sanitation at 26 school in Prey Veng and our construction crews needs protection and free passage to work there.  So we added a well, water pump, latrin and hand wash station to the deal and everyone is happy.  Of course you have to have a ceremony to seal the deal.  I usually speak at these events and start my speech with a joke or something to warm the already melting crowd.  My translator would not relate my joke because he said it would offend them and would land us in the back half of the new police stations jail.  There were over 1000 people here with about 300+ police officers dressed in their finest.  The head of all police in Cambodia was present and spoke for an hour.      I started my speech with" This is the largest group of policemen that I had seen since the donut truck flipped over on highway 80 in down town Sacramento. " If was fun brushing shoulders with the mover and shakers in the police department.  A lot of time it is who you know that keeps you out of trouble and that you can fall back on when you do.  Respect and $s is what make things move here.  The difference between a bribe and a payment is a receipt!!

I asked the police chief why he needed a latrine.  Policemen are big and strong and don't need to go.  He said it was just for EMERGENCIES

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