Sunday, January 11, 2015

Jesuit Services

One of our NGO,s is Jesuit Services.  They build a wheelchair that is made out of wood.  Very serviable and the recepients love them.  They have a handicap facility in Phnom Penh that brings in handicapped people to live and be trained for one year.  They train about 100 people per year.
They train them in carpentry, welding, sewing and wood and stone carving.  They have a store at the factory and a store and the Peace Cafe in town.  Check out their web site at place of the dove.

Kampong Thom Gardening Project

The gardening project is a Latter-day Saint District project.  25 families wanted to be involved in the project.  Most land in this area around Kampong Thom is either under water or water logged during the rainy season.  The first phase was to fill areas around their homes to raise the garden area.  The second phase was to furnish chickens.  Some families have been very successful and it has raised their self reliance.  Some are able to use and sell much of their produce.  The District President monitors the program and makes recommendations to participants.

Bring in the soil for a new garden area.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Kulen Mountain Falls

Apsara Dancers


4 faces of Buda

Angkor Wat Revisit

Silk worms and farm
Killing the silk worm and getting them ready to unwind.
Unwinding the raw silk 10 strands at a time.
Weaving into cloth